
At the Association of Veterinary Technician Educators (AVTE), we champion a Core Concept of One Community, a powerful force that unites us towards a singular goal: student success. This initiative, which we all play a part in, emphasizes the importance of collaboration and shared responsibility. It's not just a mission; it's a movement enhancing student outcomes and shaping the future of veterinary education.

Leadership, innovation, and mentorship are the building blocks of this initiative. AVTE is committed to focusing its resources on efforts rooted in these core domains, carried out in a spirit of lifelong learning and continuous quality improvement. 

About AVTE

One Page Infographic on Membership 


The mission of the Association shall be to promote quality professional education of the veterinary technician student. In addition, we are dedicated to facilitating lifelong learning and professional development by providing opportunities for the exchange of ideas to stimulate improvement in veterinary technician education.

Our mission is accomplished by sharing information and experiences through our website, members groups, virtual learning, and during our annual conference. The conference features a unique keynote speaker, several in-depth workshops, and many educational sessions facilitated by AVTE members and other industry experts who share their first-hand experience, best practices, and successes so that you can return to your classroom energized, motivated, and prepared to teach the next generation of professional veterinary technicians.