AVTE's Core Concept: One Community

The Association of Veterinary Technician Educators (AVTE) champions One Community—a collaboration that values and leverages each member's unique contributions to advance veterinary technician education and student success. 

You are an integral part of this community.

This concept was on full display at our 2024 Annual Conference in Houston, Texas, where over 350 professionals, including critical stakeholders like AVMA, AAVSB, and NAVTA, gathered at what felt to many like a large family gathering. This convergence underscored our collective commitment to exploring topics vital to our future shared mission while lifting each other in the process.

One Community is a call to collaboration and engagement. It involves creating a sustainable framework for growth and innovation in veterinary technician education, strengthening students, faculty, programs, and the care delivery system we serve.

As then-President Jen Serling outlined,  "Achieving student success demands a genuinely collaborative effort across individual and organizational levels. Anything less risks failing our students and the communities they will serve."

As AVTE seeks to live up to these ideas of "One Community," we dedicate ourselves to:

  • Seeking partnerships with organizations and individuals prioritizing student success by focusing on one or more of AVTE's core domains: leadership, innovation, and mentorship.

  • Focusing our organization’s energy by first collaborating to strengthen our community's core pillars, creating the strongest possible platform for sustainable innovation.

  • Maintaining a positive approach in all our endeavors and expecting the same from our partners.

This initiative extends beyond formal meetings—it's about nurturing a culture where every stakeholder feels integral to our collective mission. We aim to build relationships beyond professional interactions, creating a network that supports, mentors, and inspires.

We invite all members of the veterinary education community to join us. Together, we can strengthen the next generation of veterinary technicians and demonstrate true "student-focused success." By embracing OneCommunity, we uphold AVTE’s values and further contribute to excellence in veterinary care.