Article I, The Association and Its Purpose

Section 1.   Name

The name of the organization shall be the Association of Veterinary Technician Educators, Inc., here in after referred to as the “Association”, and hereinafter the word “technician” shall include, but not be limited to credentialed veterinary technicians and technologists.

Section 2.   Purposes

The purposes of the Association shall be:

a)      To promote quality professional education of the veterinary technician student in the U.S.A. and Canada.

b)      To afford the opportunity for the exchange of ideas to stimulate improvement in veterinary technician education.

c)      To promote cooperation among organizations, institutions and all of those interested in veterinary technology.  To share pertinent materials and data with those interested in veterinary technology.

d)     To improve utilization of professional veterinary technicians.

e)      To seek improvement in the delivery of animal health care through the promotion of the veterinary health care team concept and, thereby, the development of a professional image for technicians.

f)       To promote the practice acts, laws and regulations governing the profession of veterinary technology.

g)      To promote lifelong learning and professional development.


Article II – Membership

Section 1. Eligibility

a)      Membership in the Association shall be open to persons and institutions professionally concerned with the education, training and utilization of veterinary technicians; or others as may be specified in Article II, Section 2.

b)      Membership may be obtained after formal application to the Association, the payment of any dues and approval by the Secretary/Treasurer.

Section 2,  Classes of Membership

a)      Institutional – Open to those schools, colleges, universities, and organizations which are accredited by national or regional educational accrediting bodies and which offer professional veterinary technician educational programs at the post-secondary level which are of two academic years or equivalent in duration or greater. An institutional member in good standing shall be entitled to name institutional representatives who shall have all the rights and privileges accorded to individual members.

b)      Individual – Open to those administrators, faculty and/or teaching staff members involved in veterinary technology education at institutions that would qualify for institutional membership in (a) above or professionally qualified mentors in specialty, residence and/or internship programs.

c)      Associate – Open to all other individuals not qualifying for membership in (b) above.  Associate members shall not be eligible to serve as officers of the Association nor to vote on Association matters but may serve on committees at the discretion of the Executive Board.

d)     Honorary – Restricted to individuals nominated by two (2) or more members in good standing in recognition of extraordinary and meritorious contributions to AVTE and the aims of the Association.  Nominations shall be forwarded to the Executive Board for final decision.  Honorary members shall not be eligible to serve as officers of the Association nor to vote on Association matters but may serve on committees at the discretion of the Executive Board.  Honorary members shall not be required to pay membership dues.

e)      Life – Restricted to members who have demonstrated lifelong, dedicated service to the improvement of the AVTE and/or the advancement of veterinary technician education.  Nominations by two (2) or more members in good standing shall be forwarded to the Executive Board for final decision.  Life members shall retain all of the usual rights and privileges of individual members, except, life members shall not be required to pay membership dues.

Section 3. Dues

Membership dues for the various classes and their amounts shall be established and fixed by the Executive Board.  Subsequently, changes in dues shall be recommended by the Executive Board and approved by a majority of those members voting.  There shall be no prorating of dues.  The fiscal year of the Association shall be January 1st through December 31st.

Section 4. Disciplinary Action and Dismissal of a Member

The Executive Board may, upon complaint of any member and after due notice and hearing; acquit, censure, suspend, expel, or place on probation any member of the Association who has 1) violated the Constitution or By-laws, or 2) exhibited unethical conduct, fraud or other actions considered contrary to the objectives of the Association.


Article III, Officers and Administration

Section 1. – Officers of the Association

The officers of the Association shall consist of a President, President-Elect, Secretary, and four (4) Directors-at-Large (one of whom shall be the immediate Past President). At least two (2) of the Directors-at-large shall be veterinary technicians. Officers of the Association must be voting members in good standing for a least one year immediately prior to being nominated for election. Total Number of Board of Directors – 7

Section 2. Executive Board

The Executive Board shall consist of those duly elected officers named in Article III, Sec. 1  and shall be the administrative body of this Association.  The Executive Board shall conduct all business on behalf of the Association.

Section 3.  Terms of Office and Installation

Terms of office shall be for two (2) years.  Newly elected officers shall be installed at the close of the meeting at which the election results are announced.  The President-Elect shall normally succeed to the Presidency at the end of the regular term in office.  No officer, except the Secretary/Treasurer, shall serve more than three (3) consecutive terms.  In the absence of other provisions for succession, all officers shall serve until their successors are duly elected.

Section 4. – Removal From Office

If, in the opinion of the other members of the Executive Board, an officer is believed to be unable to continue in office due to poor health, non-attendance and/or mal-performance of duties, said officer shall be notified by the Executive Board, in writing, of this belief and shall be invited to voluntarily resign from theoffice, or be invited toa hearing.  After such hearing, a written vote will be taken of the Executive Board regarding whether to request the resignation of the officer in question.  A majority vote of those present is necessary to request resignation.  If resignation is requested, the officer must resign.

Section 5. – Duties of the Officers

a)  Past-President shall:

  1. Serve as a Director-at-large.
  2. Serve as Chairperson of the Nomination Committee.
  3. Serve as Acting President in the event that the President and President-Elect are both incapacitated or until a special election can be held.

b)  President shall:

  1. Preside at all meetings of the Executive Board and the general membership meeting.
  2. Coordinate the agenda of all meetings.
  3. Have the power to break ties.
  4. Represent the association in all matters.
  5. Appoint the Chairperson of all standing committees.
  6. Present an address at the general meeting and at other appropriate meetings.
  7. Help develop, recommend, and oversee that the Association operates within the proposed biennial budget and that the accounts are audited.
  8. Appoint members from the membership-at-large to fill any vacancies that may occur on the Executive Board.

c)  President-Elect shall:

  1. Automatically succeed to the office of President at the end of the general membership meeting.
  2. Serve as President in the temporary absence of the President.
  3. Serve as Chairperson of the Program Committee.
  4. Be able to sign checks in the event the Secretary-Treasurer is incapacitated.
  5. Serve as Parliamentarian at all meetings utilizing Roberts Rules of Order.
  6. Determine a quorum at all meetings.

d)  Secretary-Treasurer shall:

  1. Record the minutes of all meetings of the Executive Board and general membership meetings.  These minutes must be sent to the Executive Board within 30 days following the meeting.
  2. Maintain an accurate record of the Association’s members and create and distribute a membership directory.
  3. Receive and have charge of all funds of the Association, deposit such funds in a bank designated by the Executive Board and provide for expenditure of funds as directed by the Executive Board.  The Secretary/Treasurer shall be the only officer permitted to sign checks for the Association, unless incapacitated in which case the President-Elect may sign checks.
  4. Maintain detailed records of income and expenses of Association accounts through accepted accounting procedures, including federal and state tax records.
  5. Present at the Association regular meeting an annual Secretary-Treasurer’s report which is to include an Association financial statement.
  6. Supply all records of income and expenses of Association accounts to the Audit Committee for review at least thirty (30) days prior to the end of their term of office.
  7. Be bonded at the expense of the Association.
  8. With the help of the Finance Committee, develop a biennial budget and present it to the Executive Board for their approval.

e)  Directors-at-large shall:

  1. Serve on the Executive Board.
  2. At the appointment of the president, assist any officer in their duties.
  3. Chair and/or serve on Association committees, as appointed.


Article IV – Meetings/Voting Rights

Section 1.  Membership Meetings

The Association shall hold a membership meeting at a time and place designated by the Executive Board.

Section 2.  Executive Board meetings

Executive Board shall conveneat least one (1) time per year.  Additional meetings may be called at the discretion of the President or at the request of Board members.

Section 3.  Special meetings

A special meeting may be called by:

a)      The President of the Association.

b)      Petition to the President or Secretary-Treasurer by twenty percent (20%) of the eligible voting membership of the Association.

Section 4.  Quorum

A quorum for items on the agenda for any meeting shall consist of those eligible voting members present.  However, major decisions affecting the Association (as judged by the Executive Board) must be by ballot.

Section 5.  Committee Reports

The Association shall require reports from its ad-hoc and standing committees at regular meetings and at the discretion of the Executive Board at any special meetings.

Section 6.  Voting Rights

Only individual, institutional, or life members in good standing are entitled to vote at a meeting or by ballot.


Article V – Committees

Section 1.  Authorization

This Association shall have such ad-hoc and standing committees as may be specified by the Executive Board.

Section 2.  Appointment

The President, with the advice and consent of the Executive Board, shall appoint the chairpersons of all committees.

Section 3.  Chairpersons

a)   Chairpersons shall:

  1. Present an annual report on the activities of the committee.
  2. Submit the report to the Secretary-Treasurer for inclusion in the Association minutes.
  3. Deliver all committee data to the new Chairperson within thirty (30) days after the completion of their term.
  4. Select committee members from the general membership.


Article VI – Amendments

Section 1.  Procedures

a)      Amendments may be proposed by written petition signed by five (5) members of the Association eligible to vote.

b)      A proposed amendment shall be submitted to the Executive Board at least ninety (90) days before a regular meeting.

c)      Copies of the proposed amendment and the recommendation of the Executive Board shall be distributed to all eligible members at least thirty (30) days prior to the call for a vote.

d)     A ballot shall be distributed to all eligible voting members.

Section 2.  Approval

An affirmative vote of two-thirds (2/3) of the ballots returned shall be required to amend the Constitution.

Section 3.  Adoption

Approved amendments will be formally adopted and become effective immediately.


Article VII – By-laws

Section 1.  Standing Committees

a)   Nomination Committee

  1. The nomination committee shall consist of a chairperson (the Past-President)   and at least one other member selected by the chair.
  2. The committee shall be responsible for securing nominations of candidates for offices to be filled, as specified in Article III.

b)  Program Committee

  1. The Program Committee shall consist of a chairperson (President-Elect), an assistant chairperson appointed by the chair, and additional members selected by the chair.
  2. The committee shall be responsible to prepare the program and site for the next biennial symposium.

c)  Information Committee

  1. The Information Committee shall consist of a chairperson(s) (Director-at Large selected by the current President), the editor or co-editors of the Association newsletter, who are appointed by the President, webmaster and any additional members, as required, selected by the chair.  Members may serve successive terms at the discretion of the President.
  2. The Information Committee is responsible for overseeing all publications of the association including but not limited to; newsletters, website and publications.

d)  Site Selection Committee

  1. The Site Selection Committee shall consist of one (1) Director-at-Large, as chair, and any number of other members necessary to assist.
  2. The committee will call for proposals from membership, or survey the membership for host cities where the biennial symposium may be held.
  3. The committee shall review proposals or survey result and make a recommendation to the Executive Board for selection.

e)   Finance Committee

  1. The Finance Committee shall consist of the Secretary/Treasurer, two (2) Directors-at-Large, and the President.
  2. The committee shall assist the Sec/Treasurer in preparing and submitting a working biennial budget.
  3. Make recommendations to the Executive Board regarding non-budgeted requests after examining monetary reserves and other budgetary information.

f)    Audit Committee

  1. The Audit Committee shall consist of two (2) members, one (1) member of the Finance Committee and one (1) memberat large, appointed by the President, who has previously served as a member of the Executive Board.
  2. The committee shall audit the Secretary-Treasurer’s books at the end of the Secretary-Treasurer’s two (2) year term of office. 

Section 2.  Meetings

a)      Meetings of the Executive board and the general Association shall be run utilizing Roberts Rules of Order.

b)      President-Elect will serve as Parliamentarian at all meetings.

Revised and effective July 24, 2004

Revised and effective July 29, 2009

Revised and effective January, 2010

Revised and effective December 16, 2014